Posts in Perspectives
HEAL YOUR FEAR | Restoring Resilience & Accessing Your Inner Power by Unifying Therapy & Spirituality

When I was a child, I snuck into the television room late one night, and watched the movie Jaws. It scared me to death! For weeks I couldn’t sleep; filled with fear, hiding under the covers. When my dad eventually sat me down to tell me that Jaws wasn’t in my wardrobe, instead, he was only in my mind and imagination, I didn’t believe him - because it felt so real. But he spoke the truth, and gave me one of the most important lessons of my life…

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FREEDOM LIMITED MY LIFE | How I found more freedom within commitment & future plans

For decades, my desire for freedom was subtly creating a number self-imposed prisons that were severely limiting my life. Let me explain. Freedom has always been an important value for me. So much so, my need to always maintain freedom influenced the majority of my decisions, and I managed to ‘successfully’ set up my life so I would never end up stuck…

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GASLIGHTING | Are you gaslighting or being gaslit?

Gaslighting is a term that’s getting much more exposure recently, but what is it exactly? Let me shine some light on the subject, so that you can know if you are accidentally gaslighting yourself or others, or are ever being gaslit.

Gaslighting is a form of mental and emotional manipulation that undermines the validity of a person's thoughts, feelings and perceptions of reality. It usually causes confusion and uncertainty, loss of confidence, anxiety and can …

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UNTOLD TRAUMAS | Are these lesser-known childhood traumas limiting your life today?

Being raised by good parents and having what we consider to be a normal childhood, doesn’t always mean that we avoided the lesser-known early-life traumas that can be negatively impacting us, from the shadows, for decades. Keep reading to find out if any of these childhood traumas have happened to you, including Proximal Abandonment, Thwarted Autonomy, Parentification…

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MIRACLE OR METHOD? | How Mind Detox was born.

As the name suggests, Mind Detox is a tool for letting go of anything toxic that is preventing you from being at your best. I believe we are born with brilliance built in, but if we are holding on to unresolved stuff from the past, it is harder to engage our natural states of inner peace and immense potential. Whether it is hurt, rejection, anger, resentment, guilt, grief, fear or sadness, for example, you can let go and be clear of it all, to the point that your past no longer limits you, or causes you upset, stress or suffering.

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IS IT WORKING? | 8 things that happen when you meditate and why.

A multitude of things will happen when you meditate. This is due to the natural by-product of the healing activity that takes place and the interplay between the mind and body. You must be aware of and accept these common meditation happenings because If you are unfamiliar with the healing side-effects of meditation, you will most likely become disheartened, frustrated and give up before your body benefits.

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