BEAMING BIO | How to Write a Biography that Opens Doors


You are more fabulous than you may think!

Your biography is a brief summary of your credentials, including your relevant qualifications, professional endorsements, published work, your specialities and any other useful information about you that will make you appealing to potential clients. 

A beaming biography opens doors.  It summarises why someone would want to come to your talk, attend your workshop, publish your work in their magazine and/or book a coaching package with you. 

Writing Your Biography

In a word document or in a journal, write a list of the following:

  • Qualifications (for example: qualified Calmologist trained by best-selling author Sandy C Newbigging over an 24 month intensive course)

  • Endorsements (positive quotes that industry leaders or clients have said about you)

  • Specialist Interests (including 'confidence', 'relationships', 'stress-reduction' etc.)

  • Strengths (including relevant skills such as approachable, intuitive, light-hearted, clarity etc.)

  • Published work (books, articles, blogs, research etc.)

  • Previous relevant jobs you’ve done (team leader for 15 years at world-leading company etc.)

  • Business(es) you own or are involved in to demonstrate you are a big player in the industry.

Then, once you have your list, highlight the top 5 best credentials and bring them together into a coherent paragraph that will make potential clients and event organisers feel lucky to work with you.

Example Bio:

Here are two bio examples that I have used over the years to get publishing deals, speak on conferences stages in-front of thousands of people and be interviews by countless radio shows and podcasts.


Sandy C. Newbigging is an expert in the mind-based causes of physical, emotional and life issues. He is a trauma-aware therapist, meditation teacher, multi-bestselling author, the creator of Calmology and the principal trainer at the Mind Detox Academy, which offers home-study courses in his coaching and meditation techniques.

Sandy’s 12 books on health, meditation and conscious living are published in multiple languages. He’s been featured on TV internationally and created the Mind Calm, Body Calm, Calm Cure and Mind Detox techniques - collectively known as Calmology. His Academy courses have improved the lives of my students and their clients from over 20 countries.

During his journey Sandy has discovered that peace is possible and stillness is the secret to living the best life humanly possible. His mission is to help create a ‘global movement of stillness’, so that we can all live in a calm, connected and conscious world.”


"Sandy C. Newbigging is the creator of Calmology, a meditation and mind-body connection expert, multi-bestselling author, mentor and ex-monk. His Calmology techniques have made meditation fun and beneficial for thousands of people worldwide and he is widely respected for his unique ability to discover and resolve the real root-cause of chronic conditions and persistent problems. His work has been seen on television in 30+ countries and his last six books have become no.1 bestsellers.

Yoga Magazine declared him as 'one of the best meditation teachers around', Red Magazine acknowledged him as ‘the guru of modern-day meditation, and The Times said ‘Sandy is pioneering mind-body detox’. The Evening Standard also recently listed his Body Calm book as ‘one of the best mindfulness and meditation books’. Via his academy he’s personally trained practitioners in his methods from 20+ countries and he has appeared on radio stations across the UK and USA. Sandy’s message is profound, yet simple: peace is possible and the solution to problems."   

And finally, once you have a ‘full biography’ that you are happy with, you then have the option of creating a shorter version, for when it is more appropriate or requested:

“Sandy C. Newbigging is a trauma-aware therapist, multi-bestselling author, meditation teacher, creator of the much-loved Mind Detox and Mind Calm methods and has appeared on television in over 30 countries.”

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